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Camaypac Ltd
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Camaypac Ltd
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#1167 din 1167 de Companii din Ambalaje si Hartie
Membru Gratuit din 2012
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Camaypac Ltd Camaypac Ltd +8613860115494 Xiamen, Xiamen, -
Produse si servicii

ambalaje aseptice din carton

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Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2012!
Guangxia Packaging Co., Ltd. located on the scenic island, Xiamen, was founded by Mr. Wang Watganai in 1985.

As a pioneer, Guangxia Packaging was the first foreign introducing the rotogravure packaging technologies to China. This move has facilitated the epical transition of cigarette packaging industry to the high speed rotogravure printing in China and developed the first generation of rotogravure printing professionals for the packaging industry.

In the beginning of the 21st Century, dairy and fruit-juice industries have being developed by leaps and bounds in China, which generated an enormous aseptic packaging market for liquid food.

In response to the market demand, Guangxia Packaging introduced the production line in 2005 for the production of aseptic packing – Camaypac for the liquid food. The production line has been successfully put into production of Camaypac. At present, Guangxia Packaging's annual production capacity is 2 billion Camaypac of various sizes.

Guangxia is one of leading suppliers of aseptic packaging
for liquid food in terms of output and technology in China.
Din Gura in Gura